Video Of FRSC Officials Maltreating A Tricycle Rider Is Not Recent, Please Disregard … FRSC

Federal Road Safety Corps, (FRSC), Public Education Officer, (CPEO), Bisi Kazeem, has said, the viral video, showing road marshals maltreating a tricycle rider, along Sapele road in Benin, the Edo State capital, is not recent.


In a statement issued on Monday in Abuja, the FRSC Public Education Officer, said, the trending video, “ls a misrepresentation, as the event did not just happen.”

According to CPEO Bisi Kazeem, “The video which showed an erring tricycle rider in a face-off with FRSC patrol team, after he was caught destroying a patrol vehicle on the Sapele road Benin, in Edo state, was recorded in Benin, on July, 16, 2020.”


Kazeem therefore, urged the public to disregard the video adding that, the officers involved in the incident had been sanctioned accordingly and the outcome of the trial, made public on August 2, 2020.

In his words,

“The Corps wishes to inform the general public that the incident did not just happen as purportedly misrepresented by social media operators.”



“The officers involved has been adequately disciplined in accordance with FRSC Regulations on Maintenance of Discipline at the instance of the Corps Marshal, Dr. Boboye Oyeyemi, and the outcome of the trial made public on Aug. 2, 2020.”


CPEO Bisi Kazeem, also emphasized that, FRSC is “an organization that does not condone indiscipline”, and as a result, “the Corps has punished the said staff for being uncivil towards the tricycle rider, in order to serve as deterrent, and compel others to be tolerant, more professional, and gentlemanly while handling traffic violators.”


While warning perpetrators of media propaganda to desist from writing reports that might cause tension, especially at this sensitive moment in the country, Kazeem again affirmed that, a Magistrates’ Court, sitting in Benin city, had on Jan. 11 2021, sentenced Mr. Adeshina Adeyemo, the tricycle rider, to three (3) months imprisonment, for vandalizing the FRSC patrol vehicle, and for attacking the Corps officers after convicting of offenses capable of causing breach of public peace.

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